Morning Routine

I’m not one for routines – at all. I despise them to be honest. That’s what separates me from the conventional go to school, get a job, get married, have kids and instill that same mentality of life to my children. I’ve always loved being spontaneous – (even if I don’t act on that as often as I should) I’ve always found comfort with the unknown – I think it’s just having a deep faith that everything will be as it is meant to be. As long as I’m doing my part of putting in the work & being a nice human being – the universe will bring me an abundant amount of blessings.

Being my own boss I’ve learned that I needed to incorporate routines to really accomplish goals and stay on task throughout my day. I developed  a few routines that help me to get my day started & help me to feel my best. They’ve impacted my life so much that I felt I would be doing a disservice to the world by not sharing them.

SO this is what I do to feel the best Demiries I could possibly be:

MORNING WALKS while listening to Solfeggio Frequencies OR affirmations

I woke up early 2 weeks ago and randomly decided that I wanted to go for a walk. I grabbed my headphones and headed out. I played my Solfeggio Frequency playlist and instantly felt one with the universe. I naturally had a smile ear to ear and I couldn’t stop smiling even if I tried. It honestly felt as if I was saying good morning to the whole entire universe. To the birds, to the grass, to the trees, to the cement, to the flowers, to the strangers, to the sun, to every little thing. I was saying good morning and my heart was overflowing with pure happiness. It was a feeling that was so intense yet peaceful. I wanted everyone to feel this way. I didn’t have a care in the world. I felt so lucky to be me. I felt so lucky to experience that amount of happiness just from the simplest things. Just from observing the world around me. I felt so blessed to be here and to be apart of this place. The feeling was so inspirational that I decided that I wanted to do it again the next morning. I was so eager that I woke up before my alarm went off. *THIS IS A BIG DEAL BC I’M NOT A MORNING PERSON AT ALL. ALL OF MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY KNOWS THIS.* Anyways, I went on my walk and once again, my spirit was bursting out of my heart – so in love with every moment. I’ve felt this feeling before and always wondered how to easily access this high vibration – and I’ve finally found my answer – MORNING WALKS! It was honestly just me declaring that my day was going to be good and the universe affirming that it would be.


SO I just incorporated this into my routine and each day that I’ve done it – I’ve remembered the pure beauty of life. I overslept and didn’t do it this morning. (I’m writing this Saturday night.) I instantly felt the difference of my attitude. It was so drastic that I’m making it a priority to get these morning walks in daily.

Journaling what I’m grateful for every morning

(I try my best do this as soon as I’m out of bed.)

-Drink a tall glass of water while journaling in the morning

-Journaling what I’m grateful for every night

-Plan my week/day in advance in my Make It Happen Planner

-Write for 15 minutes a day

(Probably going to up this to a half hour though.)

-Write a verse a day

(I haven’t been consistent with this bc it can be frustrating. I’m trying my best to just DO it without expecting perfection. I think that’ll help me to just get it done.)

-Read daily

I’m currently reading Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes.

-Listen to inspirational podcasts/audiobooks

Just started listening to, “Let’s talk about Myths, Baby” Podcast about Greek & Roman mythology.

& “The Mastery of Self” audiobook by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

-Meditate while falling asleep. I listen to Guided Meditations on YouTube or simply meditate on my own. I always find that my dreams are more enjoyable when I do this.

-Stretch in the morning & before bed

-Workout at least 4 times a week

(I fell off of this consistency but I’m trying to get back on.)

-Post on IG daily –

(SO basically when I don’t post daily – I don’t have my shit together & didn’t plan my weekly content.)


My happiness / peace of mind is my priority in life. I will go above and beyond to attain positivity. I deserve it, we all deserve it! It’s easy to get sidetracked by day to day life and you can fall into the trap of being alive but not living. We have to make the conscious effort to have good days. As soon as I went on that walk and felt that pure happiness of just being alive – I knew that I wanted to feel that feeling for the rest of my life. I urge you to find things that help bring out the best in you. Oh yeah – letting people in my lane while driving also feels really good.