learning patience

“I’m not going to fight it. I’m not going to force it. I’m going to set it free and allow my life to flow.” – Demiries.A (ya girl)

I sometimes find myself being very impatient waiting for my life to become what I’ve always envisioned it to be. It seems as if I’m blindsided by the present and I’m continuously working to achieve something. I know that my ideal success will one day come – I just can’t let that destination rule me. I wanted to speak on this topic because as my peers and I are approaching our mid 20’s – we’re starting to question our ‘next steps’ and if we’re on the ‘right path’. I’ve had this conversation with 5 different people just within this past week.

I can picture my ideal life perfectly. My heart glows at that reality. I see myself waking up in a home that is decorated to bring me nothing but inspiration. I feel myself waking up excited each morning to inspire millions of people who are both different + similar to me. I feel grateful that I have an abundant amount of freedom + financial freedom that allows me to give back to the world around me. I cry tears of joy because I’ll think about the younger version of me (present me) and I’ll be able to look in the mirror and say that we’ve finally done it!

But – despite that vision coming to life *because it will* I know that I can only find true happiness by accepting + loving every part of my journey. The uncertainty. The moments with the universe where she places certain synchronicities within my reality that have me questioning WHAT THE FUCK IS LIFE.

So I’m doing just that. I’m letting go of putting my ‘dream life’ on a pedestal. I’m reminding myself to stay within the moment. To remember back when my current reality was something I’ve once prayed for. To live in California with my boyfriend, to have a book out into the universe. I’m starting to step back and see the things the universe HAS provided me with. If we keep putting our happiness within a certain destination/title/achievement/etc. we will never be fulfilled. We will receive everything we’ve asked for but it still wouldn’t be enough. We are taught to seek for the next high – to continuously reach for something. When in reality true bliss is being content with who YOU are.

So if you’re in a similar position as me – where you’re anxious for your blessings. Take a step outside yourself to see that you being able to read this is a blessing. You waking up this morning was a blessing. You being able to have all your senses and the ability to MOVE is a BLESSING. Align yourself with all that you’d like to create but don’t forget to remind yourself that you’re already enough. All that is to follow is just bonus blessings. Don’t doubt your art. Don’t doubt your worth. Don’t doubt your ability to do amazing things. Don’t forget to love yourself through this process. BELIEVE with every part of you that what you are seeking is on it’s way to you – but don’t postpone your happiness.