Blue Monday

I’ve decided to bring forward a project that my heart has been craving for sometime. When I was 18 years old – I created this concept of doing acts of kindness on Mondays. I would leave blue roses on random doorsteps along with the reminder to smile, despite, ‘Monday Blues’. I titled it: BLUE MONDAY!

We have been programmed to always look forward to the weekend (mostly because we’ve been lead to careers that aren’t fulfilling but provide the monetary funds we need to survive or feel accepted.) So we’re always in anticipation for the freedom and bliss that come with having two days off. I wanted to change the stigma that is associated with Monday. That feeling of despair that you can’t necessarily put into words.

This plan is to hand out 12 blue roses every Monday with a positive note. The core of my being just wants to remind others the joy of life. My dream job would be to do random acts of kindness as freely as possible. I unfortunately do not have the funds to do this as often as I’d like – but I truly feel my happiest when I am giving and inspiring. I will not let my current reality stop me from doing what I can do in the time being.

I often feel resentment towards celebrities because I always think that if I was in their position – I would use my platform to do good within the world. I have been so hopeful for a hero – that someone would awake mankind and lead us closer to love. I’ve stopped waiting and remembered that I can be that person – and so can you.


I am doing this with the intention to bring a smile to a stranger.

I am doing this with the intention to inspire others to be kind + giving.

I am doing this to remind others to be the change they’d like to see.

I am doing this to bring my soul a certain bliss that can only be felt

when I’m being true to my being.

I am doing this to step outside of my comfort zone + the routine of every day life.

I am doing this because it has always been my dream job.


I hope you stay true to your heart and find ways to incorporate your soul’s purpose whenever possible. I look forward to sharing this journey with you as well as the happiness I receive along the way.