Backwards Trip

I went back home a week ago. It felt refreshing to see everyone I love. Every time I enter this room – I instantly get nostalgia of when my dreams first began. I’ve always tried to make my room my own sanctuary. Hanging up pictures of my favorite artist, cutting out inspiring words from magazines, and as I grew older – writing my own poems/thoughts and taping them on my wall to remind me of my ability to accomplish anything.

I’ve spent countless hours in this space, dreaming of who I would be today. Now – stepping back and observing my life from this side of the spectrum – I can admit that I’m extremely proud. All of the things I’m working towards were the same things that 16 year old me always wanted to pursue.

I wish I could go back and hug younger me, and tell her that we’re really doing it. Going after all the things we’ve intended to. Tell her that we were never crazy, we were simply able to see the bigger picture to life. My dreams had always been to help others see their greatness and endless potential. I’m here to bring inspiration through my light, and here to bring understanding through my darkness.

Walking into this room always reminds me of why I started and motivates me to keep going.