quick hello

I honestly haven’t taken consecutive days off of work in YEARS! (Only when I go home to visit/when someone visits me from back home/my boyfriend and I plan a trip which is rare.) We had this morning off of work and it felt nice to just BE. We walked to brunch, enjoyed the sun and really got to experience something so simple but refreshing.

This morning inspired me to live more. To be okay with being still. To allow myself a break from all that I do. To adventure the world that surrounds me and to remember the excitement I get from the littlest things. (like witnessing a hummingbird sitting still)

I just realized that was a sign from the universe.

Anyways! I’m hoping this year is good to you. That you give yourself the time you need. To be content with living + not feeling guilty about it. I know that’s what my heart is currently craving. More life and more presence.

Know that all is well and will continuously be.


