
Go in search of your life purpose! I believe we’ve each been brought into this world with a specific mission.  We’ve traveled lightyears from other dimensions just to learn what it was to be human. Maybe we’ve done something bad in another realm and we were sent here to learn our lesson. WHO KNOWS! Why we’re here and how we’re here are thoughts that have consumed me all of my life. There isn’t a day I haven’t philosophized this phenomenon.(If you’ve ever had a conversation with me – you’d know this.) I wouldn’t call myself religious but I’m definitely spiritual. I’ve always been in communion with a higher power. I’ve always felt guarded by angels and guided by love. I’ve always witnessed magic before my very own eyes.

As children – we have a very intense imagination. We believe we can be anything and everything! My dreams were to be a singer + limo driver…(so I could drive myself to my own concerts.) I’m thankful that I’ve never let the child within me die. It’s probably my favorite thing about myself – my faith in the unseen + having an inner knowing. I believe part of my purpose here – is to resurrect that part of you. To remind you to reach within and release the gifts you have hidden. The gifts you think aren’t good enough. I know this is my reason here because nothing brings me more bliss than the thought of others living out their dreams. I want us all to win, really. I know that it’s possible.

Whenever we’re feeling any negative emotion: sadness, fear, jealousy, anger, etc. It’s because we’re unaligned with our higher selves (GOD). The closest you could get to God is through knowing/loving yourself. When I say loving yourself – I mean the unseen spirit that flows within you. Unconditional love for your physical body will follow once you’ve made peace with your internal being. Once you realize how perfect your spirit is – you know that every other part of you is perfect as well. Your size doesn’t matter, your “flaws” don’t matter. If you feel your light shine through – you’ll never question your worth again.

Whenever I’m feeling negative emotions – it’s usually due to me not putting my goals as my priority. I often step outside of myself to try and see the bigger picture. I remind myself that I have to make a conscious effort to be happy. I feel happiest by putting in work on my goals/working on expanding my mind/learning things that will help my spirit. When I’m unaligned I can feel myself searching for people/things to make me happy. Once I get a spark of inspiration, I remember who I truly am and it’s a whole other force to be reckoned with. I want to help you remember.

The only way to get realigned with yourself is to spend time alone and learn who you are and what you want out of life. I believe our purpose is entwined with the dreams we’ve had as children. Society can get in the way and makes us feel as if our dreams are unattainable. “I’m too this…” “I’m not enough of that…” You have to take a couple steps back and remember what your heart has always wanted. We have all the answers within us – we just have to spend time alone to actually listen. So don’t freak out if you’ve been spending more time alone than usual. It’s probably just the universe trying to spark inspiration into rediscovering your purpose!