
As I’ve stated in my previous blog entry *(I would die 4 U)* I’ve become my own best friend at a young age – in an interesting way.

Out of all these years that I’ve lived – I’m realizing that the best advice I could give anyone is to know their selves. Know who THEY are – and to NOT allow others to tell them who they are. Self knowledge is an important characteristic that we often overlook. We are taught to place our happiness within the hands of others + possessions rather than attaining it on our own. (Yes I believe we should share our happiness with the world – but we shouldn’t depend on an outside source to bring us happiness.) Happiness has been placed within each of our hearts – patiently waiting for us to reach inside and bring it forward. Only you can lead yourself to this deep inner peace. Part of life is just going through different circumstances + lessons to lead you on your journey to this enlightenment. I haven’t reached this state of continuous bliss – but I’ve experienced moments / hours with this inner being and it was nothing short of magical.

As I observe and recollect the best days of my life – they all have a similar theme: I WAS IN LOVE WITH MY SELF AND THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. It’s a feeling that is so pure and whole. It’s as if I know that I can create anything I’d like – and my dreams begin to sync with reality (literally). I try to document those days – so I can access that happiness more often. On those days – I felt a love for myself that was beyond physical. It felt as if my heart was shining and my spirit was ready to jump out of my body with excitement. I was just genuinely thankful to be me. Within those moments – I tell myself that on bad days – I just need to remember that I can have and be anything I’d like. That I just need to silence my mind, because it can get in the way of what can be. It’s just the matter of having faith and knowing that all good is here and coming. I just know. It’s hard to describe.

It’s important to develop a relationship with yourself because you begin to realize your powers. To have a relationship with yourself means to have a relationship with God / The Universe. We are just the manifested energy of The Universe. We are the physical forms of all things good, we just forget that along the way. Society tries to shift our perception of ourselves so they can make a profit from our insecurities. If you have this inner knowledge of who you are – you wouldn’t buy any of their products because you’ll feel good all on your own. That being said – we are often programmed at a young age to think bad about ourselves – to wish that we could change things about ourselves because we don’t feel good enough. If you knew who you actually were – you’d laugh at the expensive things you buy just to feel worthy. You’ve been more than beautiful all along – you’ve just forgotten who you are.

Once you develop a relationship with yourself – your whole reality shifts. You know your worth and although you may not be the prettiest/smartest (etc.) it really doesn’t phase you. It doesn’t phase you because you’re in love with the core of your being. You’re in love with your light, your morals, the way you treat others, your sense of humor, your loyalty + love, the random interests that you have, the way your brain thinks, your creativity, your wisdom, your knowledge, all the things that make you – you!

The best way that I can advise you to get in tune with yourself is to spend time alone + ENJOY IT! Take yourself out on a date. Go to the movies alone. Go on a walk and observe the world around you. Sit under a tree and journal – anything – even if it’s saying you don’t know what to write! Pick up a hobby. Go somewhere to take pictures. Lay down and listen to all your favorite songs. Make a vision board of the best version of yourself. Write down what ‘dream you‘ would be like, what you’d think, what you’d believe, what compliments you’d give out, what kind of friends you’d have, what kind of partner you’d have, what things would you eat, what would you tolerate, how you’d contribute to the world, what job you’d have, what would motivate you, what you’d do in your spare time, what you’d do if you couldn’t fail. Then I advise you to awake each morning inspired to bring that dream version of yourself to life.

I don’t think that I’m perfect – but I would NEVER want to be anyone else. I thought twice about saying that, just because how others may perceive it. We are taught that people who have self love are narcissistic, + selfish. In reality – I just give myself the same love I’d give anyone. I wouldn’t be able to be an accepting/kind/loving human being if I didn’t treat myself in that manner. It all begins within us. Whatever we feed our mind – manifests into reality. I am living proof. Choose yourself.