I’m going to be turning 25 a week from today. How do I feel? EXCITED AS FUCK. I was worried to turn 25 for a while. I was insecure with the fact that I’m not where I want to be. It felt as if time was running out to get there. (Wherever there may be.)

24 was my year of returning inward and refocusing my vision. I’ve grown closer to my self and all feels well. I think that’s why I’m happy with growing older, knowing that time is just an illusion. I still look and FEEL young, so why should a number make me FEEL old?

I just love life, I really do. I feel joy from the little things . My boyfriend and I have been going on walks every night. I love the way walking on the pavement sounds. I love the feeling of my arms swinging while walking. I love the way the wind feels: not too hot, not too cold. I observe the moon – I wonder about all the stars. I wonder what the worlds outside of here are like. I smile knowing that what I want to create is possible.

I wake up happy on most days. There was a solid 3 months when I was working out 4 times a week and working on something creative daily. I felt my best then. I fell off that routine for the past 2 months and I realize I don’t feel that same excitement to awake and get things done. I always remind myself that it’s okay to restart. I just went to the gym today and it felt good to be back. I’m going to be working on music after writing this post. I know that little burn out happened to remind me to balance the world around me. I try not to be too hard on myself, it can be difficult when there is so much I want to accomplish though.

I’ve been reading and watching more documentaries. I’ve been meditating every night before bed. I’ve been trying to be a better person for myself and the world. I’ve been spreading any useful information that helps me along the way. I’m reminded that I was sent here for a reason, (as we all are.) I just need to stay motivated and consistent within my why. (WHY I NEED TO GET THINGS DONE.) Why just dream of your dream world without trying to make it a reality?

I talk to God daily and receive signs that everything is working in my favor. I’m thankful to be alive and I’m thankful to be within this moment. I know one day I’ll look back and laugh at these moments of uncertainty.

Current Favorites:

Netflix Series: Weird Wonders of the World


Motivational Song: WIN  – Jay Rock / Floor 555 – XXXTENTACION / Reborn – KIDS SEE GHOSTS




Quote: “Don’t identify your SELF with your body. Your body is just a spacesuit to inhabit this earth. You’re more than that. Be thankful that you have it as a vessel to do your soul work. Love it, but don’t let it define your limitations.” – Demiries Angelique